Protecting our environment

I am passionate about protecting and preserving Bournemouth's beautiful surroundings. In particular, our stunning coastline is the jewel in Bournemouth's crown and is what draws millions of visitors to the town every year and contributes a significant amount in tourism revenue to our local economy.

Over the last few years, I have helped to secure funding for extra flood defences for our coastline, publicly called for more to be done to protect our greenbelt and to encourage developers to invest in existing brownfield sites, and have joined local rubbish clear-up operations myself.

I have also been vocal about the persistent issue of traveller sites, which I strongly believe councils should have more powers to deal with. Whilst I do not take issue with the travelling community itself, pop-up traveller sites in Bournemouth and the surrounding areas in Dorset regularly cause problems revolving around excess litter, hygiene and cleanliness, damage to the fields themselves, and knock-on impacts on local residents with traffic congestion and noise levels.

My biggest campaign to protect Bournemouth's environment has revolved around the plans for the Navitus Bay Wind Farm. I always opposed these plans and was pleased that the plans were rejected some years ago, as they simply were not right for our area. Bournemouth's key industry is tourism, and I firmly believe that the plans for a wind farm would have impacted heavily on this appeal. On the other hand, there are plenty of other seaside towns that are less reliant on tourism, that are crying out for wind farms on their doorstep to create more local jobs. I therefore felt it would be logical to consider these locations first before threatening towns like Bournemouth where a wind farm development would be extremely detrimental.

To read my full written submission on the wind farm prior to the decision being made to reject the plans, visit this page:


Visit to Hengistbury Head Outdoor Education Centre

On Thursday 16 May, Tobias Ellwood, MP for Bournemouth East, had the pleasure of visiting with the community group working to keep Hengistbury Head Outdoor Education Centre open and secure necessary renovations.

The Big Plastic Count

Tobias Ellwood, MP for Bournemouth East, would like to everyone who took part in this years Big Plastic Count.

The results showed that over 1.7 billion pieces of plastic are being thrown away by UK households EVERY WEEK.