Pothole Watch

BCP Council have been given £19 million pounds from central Government for road resurfacing, as well as an additional £800,000 from the Chancellor in the 2023 Spring Budget. The money is there, now the Council needs to use it!

Following the recent resurgence of Potholes across Bournemouth, a result of the bad weather, and after hearing concerns from a number of constituents over the state of Bournemouth's roads, Tobias began a new initiative -  'Pothole Watch'.

This involves picturing and labelling potholes across Bournemouth East, as well as reporting them via the BCP website. In doing this, Tobias is holding the Council to account and ensuring they fix road defects in a timely manner, preventing damage to road users and further degradation of our roads. Pothole watch is a simple way of keeping track of how long it takes BCP to fix a pothole from the date it is identified and reported. There is no excuse for potholes not being fixed. 

Tobias has created a Facebook community page for residents to stay up to date and join in, reporting potholes near them. You can join this group here: 


The Pothole marker template Tobias uses has been attached to this page as a file - please feel free to print it off and mark any culprits near you. 

Please NOTE: These markers are not to be left in the road, simply used for photo purposes. 

You can report a pothole to the Council here: Potholes damaged roads or footpaths | BCP (bcpcouncil.gov.uk)

If you are having issues with the Council fixing potholes near you please get in touch. 


Attachment Size
Pothole Marker Template (71.04 KB) 71.04 KB
